We provide a point person, or "liaison," to our customers. This person will oversee your account and will be your main contact within the pharmacy. This system helps to keep continuity between customers and pharmacy.
A consulting pharmacist will be assigned to your facility, that will review all medications on a monthly basis for side effects, drug interactions, and continuing appropriateness. Recommendations will be made to the nursing staff or physician regarding any suggested changes. We also administer a medication review prior to admitting the resident to suggest any lower-price medications, which can save the facility and the resident money.
If requested, we can also provide monthly Medication Administration Record sheets (MARs), Treatment Administration Record sheets (TARs), and Physician Order sheets.
Contact Us
Phone: 515-962-9399
Fax: 515-962-2202
Weekly Hours
Monday-Friday: 8am - 5:30pm
Saturday: 8am - 12pm
Closed on Sunday
Send Us a Message!
We will generally reply within 24 hours. Do not use this form for prescription refill orders.